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Custom events


If you use the custom events feature, then these count towards your billable monthly pageviews.

Custom events allow you to measure button clicks, purchases, subscription signups, form completions and pretty much any other action that you wish your visitors to take.

"Custom events" is an optional enhanced measurement that's not included in our default script. This is because we want to keep the default script as simple and lightweight as possible. If you want to track custom events, here's how to enable it:

Step 1: Enable "Custom events" for your site

You can enable "Custom events" as an optional measurement when adding a new site to your Plausible account. If the site has already been added to your account, you can control what data is collected in the "Site Installation" area of the "General" section in your site settings.

Enable custom events tracking during onboarding

Step 2: Change the snippet on your site

The tracking snippet changes depending on your selection of optional measurements. When making changes to your optional measurements, do ensure to insert the newest snippet into your site for all tracking to work as expected.

Your Plausible tracking snippet should be inserted into the Header (<head>) section of your site. Place the tracking script within the <head> … </head> tags.

Using WordPress?

The quickest way to start tracking custom events is to use our official WordPress plugin

Step 3: Add a CSS class name to the element you want to track on your site

Use pageview goals to track the "thank you" page or the order confirmation page

As an alternative to custom events, check out the pageview goals. Since pageviews are collected automatically, you don’t need to change your website’s code to measure pageview goals. This makes pageview goals the easiest way to start tracking any type of conversions.

Tag the site element you want to track with a CSS class name. How to do this varies depending on the site builder, CMS or framework you've used to build your site.

For instance, if you're using WordPress, you can click on any block element you want to track such as a button or a form. This will open up the block menu on the right-hand side of your screen.

Click on any WordPress block element you want to track such as a button or a form

You can then click on "Advanced" and add a CSS class name in the "Additional CSS class(es)" field. Add the CSS class name in this format: plausible-event-name=MyEventName. For instance, if you want to track form submissions on your contact form, you could use: plausible-event-name=Form+Submit.

To represent a space character in the event names, you can use a + sign

For example: plausible-event-name=Form+Submit will display as Form Submit in your dashboard

Add a CSS class name in the 'Additional CSS class(es)' field

When tracking form submits, it is important to tag the <form> element itself with the plausible-event-name=... class (not the input or button element inside the form). Normally, Plausible can track button clicks, but if a button is inside a form, it will navigate to the next page often leaving not enough time for the event to finish.

Some CMSs (like Webflow) do not support an equals sign (=) in the classnames

If that's the case, use a double dash (--) instead of the equals sign. For example: plausible-event-name--signup

You can also add class names directly in HTML

If you can edit the raw HTML code of the element you want to track, you can also add the classes directly in HTML. For example:

<!-- before -->
<button>Click Me</button>

<!-- after -->
<button class="plausible-event-name=Button+Click">Click Me</button>

Or if your element already has a class attribute, just separate the new ones with a space:

<!-- before -->
<button class="some-existing-class">Click Me</button>

<!-- after -->
<button class="some-existing-class plausible-event-name=Button+Click">Click Me</button>

Verify that the CSS classes were added correctly

After adding the class, please go back to your site, and verify that the class attribute got added with the exact required format. You can check it by right-clicking the element and inspecting it. This will show you the HTML code of the element.

In some cases, the tracking classes might be added to a wrapper <div> element (parent to the element you want to track), but don't worry, Plausible will still be able to track clicks on the child element if its parent has the necessary classes.

Some CMSs like Webflow do not support an equals sign (=) in the classnames. If you add a class attribute with the value plausible-event-name=Signup, but when you go back to your page and inspect the element, it might have class="plausible-event-name-Signup" (equals sign replaced with a hyphen). If that's the case, use a double dash (--) instead of the equals sign. For example: plausible-event-name--signup.

Tracking form submissions may not work with forms that contain an element with id="submit" or name="submit"

To work around this limitation please rename the id or name attribute value to something else. If you're unable to do that, please look into implementing custom events manually with JavaScript

If your CMS does not support adding CSS classes, please expand the following section of instructions.

My site builder does not support adding CSS classes

If you're unable to add the classnames in your page editor, there's still a way for you to track custom events. This method includes copying and pasting some JavaScript code onto your page. You can expand this section and follow step-by-step instructions.

This approach will be using the id attribute of your element, to add the CSS classes dynamically with JavaScript. The id attribute should already be present on your element in most site builders.

  1. Verify that your element has an id attribute

Go to your website, right-click and inspect the element you want to track, which will show you the HTML code of that element. If there is the id="...." attribute, no matter the value, you can proceed to step 3.

  1. Add an id attribute in your CMS

If the element you want to track does not have an id attribute by default, you can try adding one in the edit mode of your CMS. However, if you don't have that option, then this approach will be impossible and you will have to check out the section at the bottom of this page - implementing custom events manually with JavaScript.

  1. Add the JavaScript code to your page

Once you have the id attribute, you can use it to add the CSS classnames dynamically with JavaScript. Here's the code that does that:

var toTag = [
elementId: 'my-element-id',
classes: 'plausible-event-name=<event_name>'

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (_e) {
toTag.forEach(function (tagObject) {
var element = document.getElementById(tagObject.elementId)
tagObject.classes.split(' ').forEach(function (className) {
if (element) { element.classList.add(className) }

You should copy this code into the <head> section of your page, and make the following adjustments to it:

  1. In the line that says elementId: 'my-element-id, replace my-element-id with the id value from step 2 or 3.
  2. In the line that says classes: 'plausible-event-name=Event+Name', replace Event+Name with your desired custom event name. This will be the goal name that will be displayed in your dashboard later.

Once you have this script inserted on your page, Plausible will be able to track your element.

  1. Want to track multiple elements?

If you want to track multiple elements across your site, you can use the same code from step 3 on all of your pages. The only modification you will have to make, is list as many pairs of elementId and classes as you want. For example, if you want to track three elements:

var toTag = [
elementId: 'id-1',
classes: 'plausible-event-name=My+First+Goal'
elementId: 'id-2',
classes: 'plausible-event-name=My+Second+Goal'
elementId: 'id-3',
classes: 'plausible-event-name=My+Third+Goal'

Step 4: Create a custom event goal in your Plausible account

When you send custom events to Plausible, they won't show up in your dashboard automatically. You'll have to configure the goal for the conversion numbers to show up.

To configure a goal, go to your website's settings in your Plausible account and visit the "Goals" section. You should see a list of current goals with a prompt to add a goal.

Add your first goal

Click on the "+ Add goal" button to go to the goal creation form.

Select Custom event as the goal trigger and enter the name of the custom event you are triggering. The name must match the one you added as a CSS class name on your site for conversions to appear in your analytics dashboard. So in our example where you added a CSS class name plausible-event-name=Form+Submit, the goal to add to your Plausible account is Form Submit (plus is replaced by a space).

Add your custom event goal

Next, click on the "Add goal" button and you'll be taken back to the Goals page. When you navigate back to your Plausible dashboard, you should see the number of visitors who triggered the custom event. Custom events are listed at the bottom of your dashboard and will appear as soon as the first conversion has been tracked.

If you happen to be sending events to Plausible already, you might see the following message under the "Add goal" button:

Add all custom event goals in a single action

You can click the link to automatically add all the goals you've been sending so far. If you end up not wanting to see some of them on the dashboard, you can simply remove them from the list.

That's it. You can now check our your goal conversions on the dashboard.

Edit a Custom Event Goal

To edit a custom event goal, start by locating the custom event goal you want to update in the Goals list. Click on the "Edit goal" button next to it, which will bring up the goal editing form.

Edit goal button

From the pop up, you can select a new custom event from the dropdown menu that matches the updated custom event you want to track. You can also edit the display name.

Edit custom even goal popup

Once you’ve made the necessary changes, simply click "Update goal," and your updated settings will be applied immediately. The changes will be reflected in your Plausible Analytics dashboard, with the goal now tracking based on the new settings you’ve configured.

Enhanced goal conversion tracking

Attach custom properties

Custom properties can be attached to events to capture dynamic elements and to further break down goal conversions. You can use custom properties to create your custom metrics to collect and analyze data that Plausible doesn't automatically track. Learn more here.

Monetary values to track ecommerce revenue

You can also send dynamic monetary values alongside custom events to track revenue attribution. Here's how to set up the ecommerce revenue tracking.

Create funnels to optimize your conversion rate

After you have the custom events in place, you can start creating marketing funnels to uncover possible issues, optimize your site and increase the conversion rate.

Trigger custom events manually with a JavaScript function

For more specific tracking needs, you will have to write the JavaScript yourself. The API only consists of one function, which you can use in your code by including the second line in your tracking setup, as shown below:

<script defer data-domain="" src=""></script>
<script>window.plausible = window.plausible || function() { (window.plausible.q = window.plausible.q || []).push(arguments) }</script>

This snippet creates a global function called plausible which can be used to trigger custom events from anywhere in your code.

Here's what triggering a custom event looks like:


The first argument to this function ("Signup" in this case) is the name of your custom event (i.e. the name of your goal).

The second (optional) argument to the plausible function is an object with that currently supports the following options:

  • callback – a function that is called once the event is logged successfully.
  • props - an object with custom properties. Read more and see examples here
  • revenue - an object with revenue tracking fields. Read more and see examples here

Here's an example of the options argument using the callback and props options.

plausible('Download', {callback: navigateFn, props: {method: 'HTTP'}})

Example: Tracking audio and video elements

  1. Give your audio or video element an id attribute to use it with JavaScript. If it already has an id, feel free to use that instead of trackedMedia in this example.
<audio id="trackedMedia" controls src="your_audio.mp3">
Your browser doesn't support this audio element
  1. Add the below script to your HTML page with the media element. In order to be able to use the media element with JavaScript, the script should be inserted after the media element itself. It is safe to insert it at the end of the <body> section, just before the closing </body> tag.
var mediaElement = document.getElementById('trackedMedia')

// Set a flag to ignore the case where playing has already started and is resumed from paused state
var mediaAlreadyStarted = false

// Listen to the 'play' event on the media element. Ignore if already started playing and not finished yet
mediaElement.addEventListener('play', function (e) {
if (!mediaAlreadyStarted) {
mediaAlreadyStarted = true
plausible('Media Played')

// Listen to the 'ended' event on the media element to reset the flag and start listening again
mediaElement.addEventListener('ended', function (e) {
mediaAlreadyStarted = false

The same code also applies for <video> elements. Feel free to replace Media Played with a more suitable name for your custom event.